Tuesday, 27 March 2012

double page spread evaluation

this is the original hand written evaluation of my magazine double page spread, this was hand written incase there was any changes or things that i wanted to add to my double page spread evaluation, the evaluation will tell you about the types of conventions i have followed, and the features that i have used, to complete my double page spread

magazine contents evaluation

this is the original contents page evaluation that i had hand written, before going ahead and doing the final question on the computer, this will tell you about the conventions and the features that i have used and that i have followed in my magazine

this is the original hand written evaluation of my magazine front cover, this will tell you off several of the conventions and features that i have used in detail, and the colour scheme that i have used, i hand written it first, so that if there was anything i changed or added i could just add it on, before going ahead and making the final answer for the question

this is my original design for my front Litter magazine cover, as you can see it follows several of the conventions such as a masted, logo, sub titles, posters, catch phrases designed to draw the customers in, it features a main image which is subject to change, my magazine cover also features, the date of the issue, the web site of the magazine, a barcode and a price which real magazines feature, my magazine cover also tells you of contents to expect to see within the magazine, there is a list of the contents running along the top but when scanned it has cut them off, although you can just about make out one end of them, my magazine also says things such as exclusive content inside, which would also help draw in the customers, there is also posters inside which would also get the readers attention

upgrades that have been made

in the above screen shot it shows the improvements i have made to my double page spread, i have added several conventions such as, i have made the main image bleed onto both pages which helps bring them closer together, i have also added, page numbers, which all magazines feature no matter what they are i have also added text, and added the magazines website which is "www.litter.co.uk", this is so people know there is a site if they want to find out more, also my magazine features several features such as ways of following the main featured band "GLOSS", on sites such as, Facebook, twitter, myspace, and it also tells you the name of the main featured band's website "www.GLOSS.co.uk

Friday, 23 March 2012

working on today

today i will be finishing my question 1 which is the evaluations for my front cover, contents, and double page spread

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Double page spread 80% complete

in this screen shot i shows that i have nearly finished my double page spread, i have got the pictures and the   majority of the text onto my page, the masthead is in place and the ways in which you can keep in touch with the band are up and the bands website address is on there

things i need to add involve page number and more text, and some slight adjustments